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Managing Team Energy for Better Performance

MYTH: The 'harder' and 'longer' you work, the more successful you'll be?

In his book, The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor highlights 7 principles which debunk the myth - "When we are successful, that's when we'll be happy." He flips this societal belief on it's head and shows us "When we're happy, that's when we'll have sustainable success."

There's one great experiment he talks about, involving 2 groups, a bag of coins and slot machines!

  • Group A - Their instructions are to stand in front of a Slot Machine for 8 hours and put as many coins in as possible 
  • Group B - Their instructions are to put coins in the slot for an hour, take 30 minutes off to do something fun, come back and repeat that cycle over an 8 hour period.

Guess which group put more coins in the slot? You guessed it Group B.

I'm no neuro-scientist, however the simple way to think of this is if we keep using the same muscle (the brain), over time, we'll hit a point of fatigue. By resting the muscle (Brain) and activating other muscles (other parts of the brain) we can perform better for longer.

So as a Leader how are you Shaping Your Environment™, so staff can perform at their optimum for longer? 

If you'd like some help in Shaping Your Environment™ to build an inspired team culture and boost performance, connect with us below.

Chat soon.

Mike Symonds


P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 3 ways I can help you optimise your team culture:

1. Join the Inspired Team Cultures group and connect with other Leaders who value teams and culture too
It’s our new Facebook community where smart leaders learn to build people, teams and culture. — CLICK HERE

2. Join our KICK STARTER Program and start your culture journey.
If you're leading a team with less than 10 staff: I’m working with a few business leaders for 6 months to boost their leadership skills, establish the foundations of a strong culture and optimise their team interactions to help them kick start their team to achieve great things. If you'd like to get your team firing this month, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the word KICK STARTER, and I'll get you all the details.

3. Work with me and my team privately
If you're a SME business owner with 10 of more staff and you’d like to work directly with me to take you and your team from a 'Transactional' (or even 'Toxic') culture to 'INSPIRATIONAL' ... just This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the word ACCELERATE... tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details.

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