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Inspire Your Culture


I had a little 'incident' while setting up my caravan and in between the pain and swearing under my breath, all while letting my daughter know she can stop filming - it got me thinking about business leaders who try to 'fix' their team culture themselves. 

Often we know when our culture needs to be addressed, however often when we go about trying to 'fix it' ourselves, we miss vital steps, get the order wrong or just totally mess up the execution. 

Watch this perfect example of what you're potentially doing to you, your team and your culture when you're 'fumbling around' trying to do it all yourself!

If you're using KPI's as the primary 'motivator' for team performance - watch this video! Unfortunately too many business leaders are using KPI's as the 'tool' to drive performance, not realising it's actually having the opposite effect.

Grinding, Striving and Hustling can lead to burnout and poor performance. In his book, The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor, talks about a High Performance Rhythm which high performing teams can take.

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