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Team Culture Kick Starter

Find out how the 3-Step TEAM system can Kick Start your Team Culture in the next 90 Days.

The outcome is simple: To help you build a connected, engaged and inspired team.

Each month we invite a handful of business leaders to help them upskill their Leadership Toolbox, implement foundations upon which to build their team and engage staff to improve performance.

This is a 6 month, live virtual workshop program, designed to help you implement simple, yet powerful strategies to kick start your team culture.

If you're interested in finding out more send us a message and we'll send you the details.

This program IS for:

  • Leaders of micro-teams (less than 10 staff) or SME Business Leaders working with remote teams.
  • Leaders looking to expand and strengthen their Toolbox to become more effective Leaders.
  • Leaders who take action and are willing to 'try new things' to improve team culture.
  • Leaders who are friendly, humble and coachable.

This program is NOT for:

  • Leaders who aren't willing to 'hold a mirror' to their own behaviour and be accountable.
  • Leaders who blame everyone else for things not working.
  • Leaders who are ego driven, don't value their staff and are more focused on status than service.

We're opening a new intake of our TEAM KICK STARTER Program this month, and we're looking for a few specific people, so if you want...

  1. Leadership Skills which build trust, inspire your staff and produce results
  2. Motivated Staff who are engaged and committed to building your business vision.
  3. Easy to Implement Team Building Systems which bring out the best in your staff

Click the button below and we'll send you all the details...